Empress Enya! πŸ‘‘

All hail Empress Enya! πŸ™ŒπŸ–€


β€œI would like to nominate my dear friend, collaborator and colleague Enya Belak-Gupta as a total EMPRESS! Enya is a multitalented artist, filmmaker, photographer, dancer, choreographer and storyteller. She is truly one of a kind - a sassy Slovenian pink-n-green powerpuff girl! She is just as much powerful as she is powerpuff, and although she is tiny in body, her spirit and presence are HUGE!

It’s always my total pleasure working alongside Enya and she constantly expands my way of thinking and creating. Enya is the most open-minded, creative, inspired, passionate artist and an inspirational woman. She is also the most thoughtful, generous, kind friend. All hail Empress Enya! πŸ™Œ

Check out Enya’s stunning work at: http://www.enya-belak.com

Enya is our super special guest on episode 5 of The Empress Diaries podcast, β€˜Ode to G - we’re all just being total babes!’ (Part 2). You can listen here: https://EmpressDiaries.buzzsprout.com πŸ’«πŸ˜»πŸ’‹β€

~ Calista Kazuko

Calista Kazuko